
How to eliminate the cost of non-compliance

Evolve your Utility Contact Center with Hammer

City landscape at night

A changing landscape

Utility companies face numerous challenges, from changing demands in sustainable energy to increased security requirements and ever-rising costs. In addition, increasing call volumes, the growth of chatbots and other digital channels, the challenges with call center quality in a hybrid work environment, and the rise in customer churn impact customer service.

Empowering our clients to deliver a consistent and quality customer experience

Hammer helps utility companies solve problems with critical, multi-vendor contact center systems and applications related to:

  • Service quality
  • Compliance and security
  • Cloud migration and technology upgrades
  • Downtime and outages
  • Resilience to maintain service quality during unexpected events
  • Operational efficiency

IT and customer service managers trust our real-time monitoring and automated testing capabilities to proactively identify and address issues, minimize downtime, and improve service quality and customer satisfaction.

Identify issues

Proactively identify issues before your customers do!

The landscape of customer service is changing in a big way with the growth of chatbots and other digital channels, a rise in customer churn, and challenges with call quality in a hybrid work environment. Let’s help you to address these challenges with corrective, long-lasting action.

Service quality

Deliver high-quality services to your customers by monitoring and testing various systems and applications, you identify issues before they impact customers, and take proactive action.


Optimize your operations. Identify inefficiencies in systems and applications by automating testing processes, reducing the need for manual testing, and saving time and resources.

Downtime & outages

Frequent downtime and outages put additional strain on your customer service resources. As a result, CX, service quality, and compliance are at risk leading to heavy fines and lost business.

Unexpected events

Prepare for and respond to unforeseen events ensuring systems and applications, service availability, and quality of service during unforeseen events such as natural disasters.

Cloud migration & upgrades

Complicated upgrades to legacy technology systems can cause frequent outages. To mitigate this, it's even more critical that any upgrades undergo thorough testing to help you launch confidently.

Problems we solve

Office woman in Blue Suit Jacket

Experience the Hammer difference

We understand the unique challenges facing this industry. With our modular platform designed specifically for the needs of utility companies, we offer more robust monitoring and reporting capabilities than our competitors. Whether through our on-demand, Software-as-as-Service, or our managed testing services.

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