Case Study

Contact center readiness: health insurance

Ensuring production readiness for a leading US health insurance provider's open enrollment season


Open enrolment season is a critical revenue-generating event for US-based health insurers. During this time, it is common for businesses to experience peak call volumes that test the upper limitations of capacity.

Due to this, many organizations prepare by making strategic decisions on customer engagements, including business rules related to contact center interactions. These decisions are then implemented at the application level, which in many cases requires changing or adding features, functionality or scalability.

The strategy focused on a series of testing engagements designed to validate desired business outcomes, including:

  • Validate SBC upgrades
  • Validate carrier throughput capacity
  • Confirm failover configuration
  • Ensure BPO capacity meets SLAs
  • Validate capacity of CCaaS deployment

Download the case study to explore more of Hammer's capabilities in relation to a real-world health insurance provider use case scenario. 
