Hammer’s CX Health Check Quiz

Dave Kostos
Jul. 17 2024
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Hammer customers – including some of the world’s biggest brands – are reporting contact center communication volumes rising year after year. That puts an increasingly growing strain on contact center agents and the network of CX technologies that they use to deliver customer service. Of course, any increase in communication volume that stresses your system can lead to performance gaps in the customer experience. What you may not realize is that an increase in contact center performance issues isn’t the only problem for contact center leaders. In fact, it’s not even the biggest problem.

According to reports from Hammer customers, up to 66% of contact center leaders don’t have the visibility they need to make sure that their contact centers are performing as intended.

That means customer service issues are arising without anyone in the CX team knowing about it until customers complain (assuming they do, instead of just getting frustrated or churning out).

How to increase contact center visibility

Increasing contact center visibility begins by asking foundational questions about the technologies that make up your CX environment, how they function, and how they’re intended to pass information to and through each other to the customer service agents. Given the piecemeal way that many contact centers grow, this can often be a bigger challenge than it sounds.

Hammer’s automated CX solutions including Hammer Voice Explorer and Hammer Edge help to increase contact center visibility with visual maps from both the agent and customer experience perspectives. That said, before finding a solution it’s important to have a clear understanding of the problems that your organization’s CX team may be facing. To do that, we developed the CX Health Check quiz – a free survey designed to assess the current state of your organization’s contact center, its limitations, weaknesses, and strengths and provide a personalized report with prioritized next steps on ways to improve.

The Hammer CX Health Check quiz

The CX Health Check quiz consists of 26 questions about your contact center infrastructure, capabilities, and staffing as they are today. Based on your answers, you’ll receive a reliability score that speaks to your contact center’s ability to avoid and overcome CX performance issues and keep delivering exceptional customer service. Your reliability score will also position you in one of four CX reliability levels: Elite, Innovator, Traditional, and Foundational.

While no two contact centers are the same, your reliability level will put you in a group of CX professionals who may be experiencing similar challenges and who could benefit from taking similar steps forward in terms of agent support, system updates, or overall testing and monitoring practices.

To go over the expert advice and guidance most likely to be relevant for you, you’ll receive a unique CX Health Check report based on your CX reliability level. In it, you’ll find a wealth of tips on enhancing and optimizing your CX environment – all of which are prioritized so you can start to see the biggest impact possible, as soon as possible.

Take the CX Health Check quiz today to get your own custom report and reach out to the Hammer team when you’re ready to take your organization’s next steps toward CX reliability optimization.

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