NEWSLETTER | August 2024

Latest CX news

Welcome to the Hammer Newsletter, focusing on all things CX and Contact Center testing and assurance!

Abstract render of security, innovation and data

Ever feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day?

You can count on Hammer to keep you up-to-date on the latest news, releases, and opportunities in the world of CX and contact center testing and assurance. Check out this month’s top headlines to stay informed and stay ahead. 

Introducing Hammer One: Automated IVR load testing

Free load tests – available for a limited time

Hammer One is now live! Find your IVR’s limits and discover the unknown unknowns costing you time and money with a free, one-hour load test. Our Customer Success team will share a complete report of performance issues in your most popular and business critical call flows.

Hammering It Out With Hammer - Taking an AX to the CX World

AX management: the what. how, and why

Agent experience management is an essential part of modern CX testing and assurance. Learn everything you need to know about this growing field in our latest podcast episode with the lead architect of Hammer Edge.

Contact center user give rating to service experience on online application

Share your feedback on Capterra

Hammer Cloud Platform is now available for reviews on Capterra! Have feedback on your experience using Hammer CX solutions? Share your thoughts with us and the entire community with a quick review today! 

Closeup of hand holding device showing Hammer LinkedIn page

Follow us on LinkedIn

Want to keep up with the latest Hammer news and releases even more often? Follow us on LinkedIn and add insights from the world’s leading CX and testing experts to your newsfeed.